India-China border dispute: Why did China retreat from Arunachal Pradesh after winning the war?

It has been within the yr. 1962 that a war erupted between China & India(In).

In that time, the Chinese troops had nabbed over half of AR.

China afterwards announced a unilateral ceasefire & its troops repatriated behind the McMahon Line.

The experts of strategic matters are also within the same rage that when China maintains claiming AR, why did it retreat during this 1962 war?

In case he wanted, he can still keep the occupied territory after the war.

Objection of China

China maintains informing that it doesn’t recognize AR because it’s its ‘territory of southern Tibet’.

This is the reason why Tibetan religion guru Dalai Lama (or) PM of India(In), China was objecting to everybody’s check to Arunachal.

In 2009, when Manmohan Singh toured AR as PM, China objected to this.

After winning in 2014, Narendra Modi toured the state as PM. China also released an announcement expressing reservations regarding this trip.

Claim on AR

Harsh Pant , head of the dept. of study on strategic affairs in the Delhi(DL)-based Observer Study Foundation (ORF), informed the BBC that the largest issue has been the apparent crunch of the McMahon line.

He states that China wants it to continue to prevail the complaint by claiming AR in the diplomatic level. However he never wants to keep ‘active curb’ with him.

The reason for this is also Harsh Pant states that the citizens of Arunachal have never being witnessed standing with China.

Within the yr. 1914, there has been British rule in India(In). An settlement has been approached in Shimla between the Govt of India(In) & the Govts of Tibet.

The settlement has been signed by Sir Henry McMahon, administrator of the British Govt & representative of the afterwards Govt of Tibet.

After the settlement, the border between Tawang & the North East Frontier area of India(In) & outer Tibet has been agreed.

India(In) gained independence in 1947 awhile the Citizens’s Republic of China had come into existence in 1949.

However China continues to refuse the Simla Settlement informing that China has the right over Tibet & won’t accept the settlement signed by any representative of the govt of Tibet.

However in India(In), the map demonstrating the McMahon line has been 1st officially posted in 1938 by this British rule awhile the North-east Frontier Area had come into existence only in 1954.

Though China didn’t show that much aggression regarding AR, however experts say that in 1986, the Indian Troops saw permanent apartments constructed by this Chinese troops near Sumdorong Chu in Tawang, AR.

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