Tom Steyer: Billionaire Tom Steyer quits Democratic main race

The California activist billionaire that has been a nonfactor in the main campaign, tom Steyer, dropped from the race night.

Steyer’s death came at the South Carolina primary after a disappointing finish. With 70% of the vote Steyer had only 11.5 percent of their vote despite spending countless dollars campaigning there.

“There is no question now that this effort, we were frustrated with where we arrived,” Steyer informed fans in Columbia, S.C.

“However, I said when I did not find a route to winning which I would suspend my effort, and frankly I can not find a route where I could win the presidency.”

His departure came after he had spent a total of $158 million on radio and television advertisements, based on Advertising Analytics. In South Carolina Steyer had invested almost $21 million as of Tuesday, the company said.

Steyer had put all his attempts to South Carolina in recent weeks. Hespent more time and’d shown promise in recent polling. This month Kat Taylor, his wife proceeded to Columbia.

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